Mazes. I started drawing and making mazes in Jr. High. I would watch my mother find her way through them pretty fast and would learn by watching her how to make them harder. I noticed that she would start at the finish and it was ten times easier to get through it by going backwards, so I started making it hard both from the finish and the start. She doesn't even think about going through them anymore. I made quite a few, but I haven't made any for several years, well at least since High School. Here are a few pictures of what I have and some of the ideas I had making them.
This is my big maze. It has 2 pages and I called it a story maze because it has 2 stories. This page is the start page and the one below has the finish. Each shape that is a different color links each page together. My assitants finger points out the elevator to the next page. This maze is very hard and you have to flip the page 17 times to get to the finish, that's if you go the right way