Thursday, August 20, 2009


I suffer from headaches, Migraines to be exact and this last week has been a showcase of different headaches. The stress level for Amy and I has been overwhelming to say the least, but we've managed to keep faith that all would be well. Yesterday, we both met our breaking point and both of us kind of had a bad day!! We didn't fight or anything, but we were definitely not in a good mood! But that changed last night when we both thought all was lost!!

Trent (my brother), came over last night and was helping me get signed up on a new web site to look for new jobs. Basically jobs for civilians on Government installations, like Hill Air Force Base or The Tooele Army Depot. So far I've found a few with great pay and I plan on going for it, but last night he kept telling me to just turn in my boss, just be heartless and do it! For me this is a really hard thing to do! I always turn the other cheek and I'm very patient, but I was at an end of my patience, but I had an overwhelming feeling to call my boss and give him just one more chance and if it didn't get me the results I wanted, to turn it over to the Labor Commission. First thing I did though was to go over to the shop and see what was happening. Much to my surprise, nothing had happened in the way of having a job gone and installed by Tuesday. It was still there! I figured that they just didn't have the same kind of speed that I have or it was just a pain to Fab., which is what it looked like to me. So I called and was told that he had collected a check that day, but it was after the bank closed. He asked if I could wait until morning and if I could help them install the job. If you pay me first, then I'll help you. He agreed and this morning, we got paid nearly $2,000 and we're up too date!!

The moral of this lesson for me is, always follow the spirits guidence. No matter how bad someone else has treated you and how angry they make you, always follow what that still small voice says! The Lord did not let us down and even in the midst of feeling all was lost, something happened that changed that. I know that we're not out of the woods yet, but we don't know what's around the next corner and we'll continue to fight our way through these tough times.

Today is a better day, my body is a little more rested and calm, but I have a Migraine the size of Mt. Everest!!!!!

Thanks George for all your help and I'll consider and keep that knowledge for the next time that this happens, except I won't wait 2 months next time, I'll walk every 2 weeks if I don't get a check on time!


  1. Following the spirit is always way to go. Good Job!

  2. That's good news, David. I hope you're filling out applications for those other good jobs in the mean time. It's good to have lots of eggs in your basket!
